Monday, July 17, 2017 - 9:22 AM

The Friday night Member's Draw has jackpotted to $1,300 but you must be there to collect it.
On Friday night, July 14th Murray Fraser’s name was drawn out but he wasn’t in attendance to collect the jackpot of $1,300, so the draw has now jackpotted to $1350.
The draw takes place every Friday night between 6:30pm and 7:30pm in the main bar.
You have to be in it to win it! Only those members who Read More [+]
Monday, July 17, 2017 - 9:12 AM

The following members are celebrating their birthdays this week and we would like to take this opportunity to wish them all a very Happy Birthday.
Kevin Whittle; Margaret Black; Max Cunningham; Darrell Govan; Michael Donnes; Bill Hale; John Davey; Graham Morgan; Neil Landwehr; Mark Charman; Rod Lester-Smith; Ian McCarrey; Steve Perham; Peter Shellam; Vic Strnadica; George Strnadica; Simon Hancock; Antonio Ferraro; Trent Moreschini; Kym Jacobs; Gemma Griffin; Luke Sexton; Larissa Paratore; Jesse Adamini; Stacey Collier; Read More [+]
Friday, July 14, 2017 - 2:01 PM

Sharkpack was a successful campaign with the primary focus on development. The scorelines were a bonus, giving the coaches the luxury to throw the magnets around and try players in new positions. The boys had a fantastic time at East Fremantle and even had a pep talk from Jack Perham about his transition from Geraldton to the Sharks and his stint in the AFL. The boys were looked after by East Fremantle’s Past Players, who provided Read More [+]
Friday, July 14, 2017 - 11:45 AM

East Fremantle hosts the Perth Demons tomorrow in a bid to move off the bottom of the ladder.
The injury plagued Sharks welcome the return of several key players and with Jayden Schofield playing his 100th game, Saturday looks set to be a good one.
The anomaly of this year’s fixtures sees the two teams meeting just 4 weeks after their most recent encounter. Perth walked away as the victors in round 4, but it Read More [+]
Monday, July 10, 2017 - 9:46 AM

The Friday night Member's Draw has jackpotted to $1,300 but you must be there to collect it.
On Friday night, July 7th Alf Adamini’s name was drawn out but he wasn’t in attendance to collect the jackpot of $1,250, so the draw has now jackpotted to $1300.
The draw takes place every Friday night between 6:30pm and 7:30pm in the main bar.
You have to be in it to win it! Only those members who Read More [+]
Monday, July 10, 2017 - 9:26 AM

The following members are celebrating their birthdays this week and we would like to take this opportunity to wish them all a very Happy Birthday.
Frank Widdicombe; William Russell; Murree Ashfield; Kerry Matsen; Tom Murphy; Lindsay Allen; David Edinger; Debra Renner; David Rankin; Philip Cutting; Ray Meadowcroft; David Stark; Tony Watson; Marshall Stockden; Travis Campbell; Clint Brown; Mathew Deverell; Matthew Watson; Ben Meadowcroft; Kimberley Bowey; Fraser Perry; Jessica Maher; Zac Pinkerton; Bryce Jakovich; Rory McCabe; Read More [+]
Friday, July 7, 2017 - 4:33 PM

East Fremantle will be boosted by the return of some seasoned players ahead of tomorrow’s clash with Swan Districts.
Captain Jamie McNamara looks set to make his long-awaited return, having played only four games this season; his last against the Swans. Following a successful return to the Development League last week, George Hampson is also a likely inclusion.
The number of East Fremantle debutants could rise to 18 if Michael Cronan runs out tomorrow. Cronan Read More [+]
Friday, July 7, 2017 - 12:26 PM

State 16s
Our selected State 16s have been training and preparing themselves for the upcoming championships over East under the guidance of Head Coach Tony Micale.
East Fremantle is proud to have Jeremy Sharp, Trent Rivers, Trey Ruscoe and Luke Jackson who will be heading over to Brisbane for the Championships. The squad will play Vic Country on Monday 10th July and Vic Metro on Friday 14th July.
The names above were selected through the Read More [+]
Tuesday, July 4, 2017 - 1:57 PM

Another fantastic East Fremantle School Holiday clinic was run yesterday with 140 future stars strutting their stuff on Winnacott Reserve!
The participants who received an East Fremantle Back Pack, Sharks football and NAB drink bottle all had a blast, learning from a range of East Fremantle Senior and Colts players who coached them through a range of games and drills across the day.
We were also very fortunate to have a group of West Coast Read More [+]
Monday, July 3, 2017 - 8:58 AM

The Friday night Member's Draw has jackpotted to $1,250 but you must be there to collect it.
On Friday night, June 30th Hazel Clark’s name was drawn out but she wasn’t in attendance to collect the jackpot of $1,200, so the draw has now jackpotted to $1250.
The draw takes place every Friday night between 6:30pm and 7:30pm in the main bar.
You have to be in it to win it! Only those members who Read More [+]