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New Date For Postponed WAFL East Fremantle v West Coast Eagles Game
The West Australian Football Commission confirms that a new date for the postponed Round 4 game between East Fremantle and West Coast Eagles has been scheduled for the WAFL Bye round.
The game will now be played on Saturday 14 May at New Choice Homes Park, on the same weekend as the State game that will be played on Sunday at Optus Stadium.
Both teams acknowledge there could be some players missing the match due to their State game commitments.
The postponement and rescheduling of the game has also meant some changes to the WAFLW game times for this coming weekend.
Please see below the newly updated fixtures:
Saturday 7 May at New Choice Homes Park – WAFLW and Rogers Cup
EFFC v PTFC - Rogers Cup - 10am
EFFC v PTFC - Reserves - 12noon
EFFC v PTFC League - 2pm
Saturday 14th May at New Choice Homes Park – WAFLW and Rogers Cup and postponed WAFL League Fixture – EFFC v WCE
EFFC v WPFC Rogers Cup - 10am
EFFC v WPFC League - Women -12noon
EFFC v WCE League – Men - 2pm